Monday 27 June 2016

week 1's activity

sec 1 and 2, please fall in at the concourse at 3.15pm .
Sec 1s , please wear your blue polo tshirt and blue skirt with white socks.
Sec 2 and 3s , please wear your grey tshirt and blue skirt with white socks.
cca will end at 5.15pm for sec 1 and 2. please remember to bring along your guides handbook for activity.

sec 3s and selected sec 2s , please leave your class at 1.10pm , have lunch and bring along your consent form to the concourse by 1.50pm. The bus will leave at 2pm. Pls hand up your form to Ms Lin .

All guides to be in half school uniform with shorts.

Sec 1 ,pls report to concourse at 2:40pm sharp for your EEC course The sec 1 guides are to bring calculator, your most recent home utilities bills ,pen ,water bottle and your valuables with you for the course. Please leave your bags in the guides room. Please bring their consent form and submit to Miss Lin before boarding the bus

Sec 2 & 3 are to report to concourse by 3:15pm

Sec 2 & 3 will be dismissed at 5:15pm
thank you ! from katherine cl :))))))