Sunday 21 August 2016

week 8's reflection

On Wednesday, some of the  sec 2 guides went for their eoy oral exams, while 2 of the sec 1 guides were absent. The sec 1s were supposed to hand up our artist's badge component 5, but because my printer ran out of ink, I couldn't hand up a proper submission. I feel ashamed because I knew it burdened the sec 3s and Ms Lin, and I will try harder to not delay anything again. After roll call, the sec 1s went up to an empty classroom to learn ironing and how to take proper care of clothes. It was quite fun as we learnt about the symbols that tell us how to take proper care of our clothes. We also learnt how to remove different types of stains. As I am pretty clumsy and often leave stains on my skirt, learning how to remove stains was especially important for us. After that, we went to ECube to plan for EDD. I was in the snack making group, and my group finished our write-up on our dish and assigned each other with what to bring. I felt that Wednesday's activity was quite interesting and productive and hope we do well for the upcoming EDD.

-Kuan Jing Xuan, Sunflower Patrol

On Friday I had to go for service learning so I missed the first 2 hours of cca. When I came back, they are already at ecube discussing and preparing for edd. I joined the mini gadget making group and PL taught me how to tie a snake lash using strings and poles which is something new to me. After that, we played the telephone game. It is a game where we formed a line and the first person have to act out something to the second person and the second person act the same thing to the third person and so fourth. When it reached the last person, she had to guess what is it based on the acting. All those weird guesses we make are really funny. We ended off the day at the concourse by singing tabs around 6pm that day. I really enjoyed myself on Friday during cca!!

-Charlene Teo, Sunflower Patrol