Wednesday 31 August 2016

week 9's reflection

On Saturday, we specially went back to school to take part in the EDD! After gathering in school, we then proceeded to walk to Broadrick Secondary. I was in the painting grp with Yun Ning(PS). As we painted together, she taught me some of the techniques she uses when she paints/draw. I felt that Saturday's EDD activity was an enriching experience and I learnt alot. I look forward to the next EDD :)
-Yu Thong Sec 1, Oriole Patrol

On Friday, I missed about half of cca as I had to meet a teacher. When I came back, everyone was in the classroom practicing for their respective EDD group competitions. I was in the talent time competition and we were dancing cheer up by twice. We practised together and the seniors kindly pointed out what I was lacking for the dance and I did my best to improve on my dancing. Then after that we played random songs and we all danced to it. I had fun practising with the seniors!
-Sin Yee Sec 2 ,Oriole Patrol