Saturday 15 October 2016

Camp Update

Camp update

Patrol leaders, please get ready for the upcoming camp preparation discussion of :
Patrol Flag (50cm by 40cm) 
Patrol Identity ( must be handcrafted and $2 per person for per patrol !)
Patrol Skit 
Patrol Cheer 
* sec 1&2s , pls lend a helping hand to your seniors to think of ideas and make sure they are not the only ones giving ideas!!!

theme of camp : Happy 100th Birthday to Guides ( please make sure your skit, cheer, identiy etc. must be related to the theme !)

all guides are to think and prepare a manito gift as well for the manito session during camp ! basically , you need to buy a gift , not more than $2 too ( you can pick from daiso or handmade ) 

There will be no outdoor cooking this year but instead replaced by messtin cooking as we will be visiting Camp Christine for pioneer skill training ! 

* please do not student guides for the CCHMS Open House as the public sale of guides cookie @ Bedok and the Guides booth for Open House will be needing volunteers !

For public sale of Guides cookie @Bedok , more details to be given out at a later time! 

Please remember to pay the $10 camp fee to Katherine or Qianyin by next week Friday !

sec2&3s, please read up on your pioneering skills etc on Guides handbook too

by katherine cl :)