Tuesday 17 January 2017

cca trials/ week 3's activity

Hi Guides!
We will be holding the CCA Trials for the Sec1s tomorrow , so please do perform up to standard. Please assemble at the concourse in your half guides uniform with WHITE SOCKS, and nails trimmed at 3.20pm. 
Please assemble at the concourse in your full guides uniform with WHITE SOCKS and nails trimmed at 3.20pm. CCA Trials will still be held so coy1 and 2 sec 3s, make sure you learn the steps on how to do popcorn properly

All Sec3s , please remember to bring your punks to the guides room tomorrow so that you can place it in the guides room. 
Coy1 Sec3s, please get ready for fire starting and take up the initiative as the Sec 1s will be watching you!:) 
Coy2 Sec3s, please remember on the steps on how to make popcorn as you will be leading the Sec 1s with confidence(!!) on how to start the fire with solid fuel and how to make popcorn. Mynah and Sparrow will be leading the 1st session, followed by Dove and Oriole with the 2nd session. 

Steps on how to make popcorn:
1. Wrap aluminum foil into a bowl shape
2. Place the corn kennels, a little bit of oil, salt or sugar into it
3. Wrap up the aluminum foil and fold down the top of the foil and make sure there are no holes or gaps in between the folds 
4. Make sure there is sufficient space inside the foil for the popcorn to pop
5. Place the wrapped foil into the messtin and place messtin over the fire
6. Shake the messtin consistently and to ensure that it will not burn, shake the messtin slightly back and forth.
7. After no popping sound can be heard, carefully unwrap the aluminum foil and pour out contents into the bag which afterwards, you can add a little bit of oil and sugar or salt to make sure it sticks to the popcorn.

*Please remember to send your PLs your write up by 9pm tonight.
*Please remember your punks, and WHITE SOCKS , do not forget to bring it, we will not want to see anyone flipping their Chung Cheng socks.