Saturday 14 January 2017

week2's reflection


On Wednesday, we were seated in our companys planning ideas for the short video we had to film. All my batchmates gave a lot of intersting ideas and we would cooperate well with each other  .We also played some company games. As always , the games were very fun as that was the time everyone would be laughing and talking together,  and there was a strong bond between everybody. After this we went down to the concourse to drill .We also learnt more commands and  I also kept making mistakes in turning ever though I knew the commands as sometimes I just copied the wrong person and this led to a lot of  confusion. But overall, I enjoyed Wednesdays activity as we could learn more and communicate to one another
-Yujia Sec 2


On friday we all had to wear out full uniform and gather at the concourse by 3.20pm. It was a bit rush for the upper sec because we all only had 20 mins to prepare, but nevertheless, all of us were on time. After we did uniform check and roll call, the sec 3's were split in to their repective coys, coy 2 did fire starting first while coy 1 did their video filming. We first started off by turfing a square on the ground. Afterwards, we started to put twigs into the square starting from the thickest to the thinnest. Then, we had to use a matchstick to start the fire, for right handers, we have to start from the left to the right. It was very hard maintaining the fire, we had to constant bend down and put our face closely to the ground to blow the fire in order to spread the fire and keep the fire burning. We then started to boil a kettle of water over the fire. After the water boiled we had to pour water over the fire to extinguish the fire. We were all very shocked by the fact that we had to use our own bare hands to clear away all the burned twigs, but nevertheless, we all helped each other to clear everything away. By the end of fire starting, we all smelled very smokey and we had a lot of ash sticking to our hair.It was a really fun experience for us as this is our first time doing fire starting. Afterwards, Coy 2 then proceeded on to to film their video, and we it was very fun as we did the mannequin challenge we had to stay very still and it was very funny.
-Ginn Munn Sec 3