Sunday 5 February 2017

week 6's activity and Centenary Info

please report to the concourse at 3.20pm in your half guides uniform with white socks and nails trimmed , make sure to get you skirts altered if they are too short !  also , make sure you are wearing PE PANTS underneath your skirt !make sure to bring along your Centenary Walk form to hand up too! Sec 2 guides, please wear your HALF SCHOOL UNIFORM to cca and BRING your FULL GUIDES UNIFORM to the concourse for our fellow sec 1s to try on !! rmb to polish the badges and iron your scarfs as well.

please report to the concourse in your full guides uniform with your white socks, nails trimmed , BADGES POLISHED (PLEASE POLISH IT ONLY TAKES 3MINS) and your scarfs ironed at 3.20pm! Make sure to bring your Centenary Money collection of $25 !

On 18th Feb, we will be going for the Centenary Celebration 2017 , please report to the concourse at 7.20am latest in your respective uniforms, we will taking a bus there! Please remember to bring your water bottle,poncho, or what ever items needed in a small bag :>

-katherine cl  and qianyin cl :>>>>