Sunday 26 February 2017

Week 9's Activity

please fall in at the concourse in your half guides uniform with white socks  and nails trimmed at 3.20pm sharp. please remember to wear your PE shorts underneath your skirts!
also,please bring along forms you have not handed up yet (ex. guides shop service form, guides shop duty form, centenary walk form and Sec2 Discovery Centre form)

On Friday ,for Sec 1&3 ,there will be no cca. For Sec2s, you will be  heading out to Discovery Centre with the NPCC Sec2s. For Sec4s you will need to stay back on Friday during normal CCA timings to check CCA records for awhile.

The reporting time to the concourse on Saturday is 7.10am not 7.20am! Please make sure you come on time and dont be late please thank you ٩( 'ω' )و