Monday 26 March 2018



Fall in at 3:20 at the concourse in half guides uniform. Please note that tomorrow (28/3) is the last day for submission of cookie orders and anything past that will not be entertained. If any of you still have not hit your quota, please PM me or any other senior/batchmate who has more than enough orders and can spare you some!!


There is no CCA because of Good Friday :-) rest well!

Tuesday 20 March 2018



Sec 1s, please be reminded that you have EEC tomorrow as well as next week Wednesday. Place your bags in the guides room at 2:30pm. Remember to bring your household pub bill, valuables, stationery, water bottle and calculator. Report to the concourse by LATEST 2:40pm. Please do not be late. You do not need to change out of your school uniform. You will return to school at around 6pm.

Sec 2s-4s, the attire for tomorrow is half guides uniform. Fall in by 3:20pm with nails cut, white socks and your belt tightened. Sec 3s and 4s, please wear your school PE shorts underneath.

Sec 3s, please bring your punks (one bag full) and twine for outdoor cooking!!!

TO ALL, please be reminded to submit your cookie orders (payment not needed but you can give it if you want) to the respective I/Cs latest by the end of this week and do note you are required to hit the quota of 8 tins.
I/Cs :
S1 - Jia Xuan PL/Hui Yu PS
S2 - Charlene PL
S3 - Joline PL
S4 - Levelle PS


Fall in at 3:25pm in full guides uniform with everything up to standard. Sec 1s please make sure you have put up the poster and also remember to bring your EEC worksheet for us to check!! Sec 3s remember to make a copy of your CA results and to all, please record your orders on a slip of paper and bring it for CCA tomorrow. If you want, you can also give us the $$$!!! 

- Amanda CL

Tuesday 6 March 2018



Report to the concourse and fall in at 3:20 SHARP in half guides uniform with nails trimmed, no earrings and white socks. Sec 1s please wear your usual PE attire with shirt tucked in and white socks.


No CCA for Sec 1-2
Sec 3s & Sec 4s please come to school early to place your bags in the Guides Room before leaving for X Country
Please report back to school by LATEST 2:30pm 
Search the blog for the packing list under the pages that are archived 

- amanda cl