Tuesday 24 July 2018


Fall in at the concourse in half guides uni 3.15 pm sharp. Please cut your fingernails and PULL up your white socks

Fall in at the concourse in full guides uni at 3.25 pm sharp. Remember to cut your nails and pull up your white socks. Polish your enrollment badge and please iron your scarf.
-please remember to put your whistle the right way round !

Wednesday 18 July 2018

congragulations everybody lololol

hihi so we got some award haha
cleanliness award (gold) - yi ning, ying xuan, wengyan, cassandra
most efficient outdoor cooking (gold) and
best menu award (silver) - jing yi, shi qing, eryn, hui xi
congragulations everybody haha 🙃

Tuesday 17 July 2018


Fall in at the concourse in half guides uni 3.15 pm sharp. Please cut your fingernails and PULL up your white socks and *i don't want to see anyone cutting their nails in the guides room* 👀👀

Fall in at the concourse in full guides uni at 3.25 pm sharp. Remember to cut your nails and pull up your white socks. Polish your enrollment badge and please iron your scarf.
-sec1s submit your component for artist badge on Friday

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Tuesday 10 July 2018


Fall in at the concourse in half guides uni 3.15 pm sharp. Please cut your fingernails and PULL up your white socks.
- those sec 1s who need to prepare for speakers badge please do so

Fall in at the concourse in full guides uni at 3.25 pm sharp. Remember to cut your nails and pull up your white socks. Polish your enrollment badge and please iron your scarf. Sec 1s remember to put ur whistle in the correct direction.

Merry christmas hohoho

Tuesday 3 July 2018


Fall in at the concourse in half guides uni 3.15 pm sharp. Please cut your fingernails and PULL up your white socks. Guides please remember to greet us when you are at attention or at ease position,  before roll call

• Sec 2s remember to bring all the materials needed for the PUB Save Water Campaign.
• Coy 1 sec 1s please remember to prepare for Wednesday's Speaker's badge

Fall in at the concourse in full guides uni at 3.25 pm sharp.

- nails cut
-pulled-up white socks
-enrollment badge polished
-scarf is neat
- braids tied neatly
- no earrings
-scarf ironed and folded neatly! !

• Coy 2 Sec 1s and chosen Coy 1 sec 1s please prepare for your Speaker's badge
• All Sec 1s hand in your art work for your Artist badge