Tuesday 29 January 2019


report to the concourse and fall in at 3:15 sharp in Half guides uniform with nails trimmed and white socks.
sec2s remember to bring your guides handbook!
fall in at 3.25 sharp. Wear full guides uni. nails trimmed, white socks and please polish your badges !!
I realized that a lot of yall still don't know how to tie your scarf so please learn, instructions are in guides blog under uniform checklist
and please buy brasso a lot of yall are still not using it

sec1s wear half school uniform with skirt and pe pants

Tuesday 22 January 2019


Report to the concourse in half guides uniform by 3.15 tomorrow with nails trimmed and LONG white socks.
Everyone remember to bring your funfair money tomorrow.
Sec2s please finish your song/dance because tomorrow (on wed) yall need to video urselves YAY
and everyone will plan for sec1 interaction activity so yall might want to brainstorm some things

Report to the concourse in full guides uniform by 3.25 and bring your funfair coupons!  Everyone, please polish your badges with BRASSO yall are gonna be in CCA for like at least 1-2 more years you can't live wiping your badge with toothpaste so:)

Tuesday 8 January 2019


report to the concourse and fall in at 3:15 sharp in Half guides uniform with nails trimmed and white socks. remember to bring newspaper!

fall in at 3.25 sharp. Wear full guides uni. nails trimmed, white socks and please polish your badges !!

in case yall forget how to wear our uniform or smtg yall can go check the uniform checklist which is also on guides blog