Tuesday 26 January 2021


Report to the concourse and fall in by 3.20pm sharp. Attire will be FULL Guides uniform and HIGH white socks. Make sure nails are trimmed and badges are polished. Bring along your waterbottle and thermometer, DO NOT bring your handphone. NO accessories allowed meaning earrings, bracelets and watches. Sec 3s pls ensure you have done the necessary preparations for the cny video. *If you don't have any part of your uniform, you are NOT allowed to wear the uniform.

Report to the concourse and fall in by 3.15pm sharp. Attire will be HALF Guides uniform and HIGH white socks. Make sure nails are trimmed. Bring along your watterbottle and thermometer, NO handphones. *If you forgot your belt or whistle, DO NOT wear the uniform.