Monday 16 January 2023




Sec 2s are to report to Guides Room at 3.30pm sharp.

Sec 3 and 4 involved in CCA trials are to report to their respective venues (glassbox, ecube, classrooms etc.) at 3.05pm sharp. 

Attire for Sec 2, Sec 3 and Coy 2 Sec 4s is HALF GUIDES UNIFORM. Attire for Coy 1 Sec 4s is FULL GUIDES UNIFORM.  Nails trimmed, tidy hair, white socks. No flipped or ankle socks, watches or bracelets. Badges polished and neat scarf. Everyone to bring along water bottle.


Sec 2s are to report to Guides Room at 3.30pm sharp.

Sec 3 and 4 involved in CCA trials are to report to their respective venues (glassbox, ecube, classrooms etc.) at 3.05pm sharp. 

Attire for Sec 2, Sec 3 and Coy 2 Sec 4s is FULL GUIDES UNIFORMAttire for Coy 1 Sec 4s is HALF GUIDES UNIFORM.  Nails trimmed, tidy hair, white socks. No flipped or ankle socks, watches or bracelets. Badges polished and neat scarf. Everyone to bring along water bottle.