Wednesday 11 January 2012

Activity on 13/1/12

Hello Guides!

Fall in in guides half uniform (with high socks, if not we will sell you our socks!) on friday at
2.30pm sharp. For those lesson that end late, pls also report at 2.30pm. Time will be given to eat later. Those who are absent for the camp, please take the initiative to pass your MC/Parents' letter to the ST’s before you fall in. 

This will be the first activity of the year and we will be doing indoor cooking!!!! :D
The theme of indoor cooking is Meat-lover,each patrol are required to bring ingredients that have at least one type of meat in it.
Do discuss the dish with your PL and bring the necessary food item needed and utensils.

Please also update your PL through sms your new contact no.(if any) and your new class.

Sec 3s who have not submitted their heritage badge are to submit to the QMs before falling in.

Thank you :]
