Sunday 15 January 2012

Details of thinking day competition

Hi Guides!
Next week activity will be on 18Jan, wed, due to fri CNY celebration.
details of thinking day competition are as follows:

Scrapbook page design competition

1)    A creative work of putting together a scrapbook page which captures the WTD theme, Together We Can Save Our Planet”. The dimension of the scrapbook page is 30cm by 30cm.
Scrapbook pages in other dimensions will be disqualified.
2)    Each Pack/Coy may submit more than one entry. The name of the Coy/Pack and School must be clearly indicated on the top left hand corner of the back of the scrapbook page.
      Painting on reuseable items competition
1)    A creative work of printing or painting on a reusable item (use either one of the following: shoes, T-shirt or cloth bag).  The work should capture the WTD theme, “Together We Can Save Our Planet”.
2)    Each Pack/Coy may send in more than one reusable item. The name of the Coy/Pack and School must be clearly indicated on the item itself.
3)    All entries MUST BE COMPLETELY DRY before they are submitted.

     Digital photography competition
1)   A creative work in the form of a digital photograph which captures the WTD theme, Together We Can Save Our Planet”.
2)    Each Pack/Coy may send in more than one entry.
Photographs in softcopy (jpeg format) are to be submitted.

      Wearable fashion competition

1)    A creative work made up of recycled materials and is wearable as a piece of dress.  The work should capture the WTD theme, “Together We Can Save Our Planet”.
2)    Each Pack/Coy may send in more than one entry. 
     Percussion competition

1)    A creative work performed using everyday objects as percussions (the object should exclude drums and other percussion musical instruments).  The work should capture the WTD theme, “Together We Can Save Our Planet”. Duration of the performance should be between 3 and 5 minutes.
2)    Each Pack may send in more than one entry.
Videos in wmv format are to be submitted.

ALL entries are to be submitted to us on wed 18Jan. Time will be allocated for you to TOUCH UP (not painting of the whole design) on your work.

For photography and percussion groups, pls get your materials ready before wednesday. ONLY FILMING TIME WILL BE GIVEN ON WED.
