Monday 16 January 2012

Activity on 18/1/12 :)

Hi Guides :D
Fall in in guides half uniform (with high socks, if not we will sell you our socks!) on Wednesday 18 Jan at 2.30pm sharp. (Cut your fingernails and fringe must be pinned up) For those whose lesson end late, pls also report at 2.30pm. Time will be given to you to eat later. Those who are absent for the camp or last activity, please take the initiative to pass your MC/Parents' letter to the ST’s before you fall in.

It's another day of UG experience! This time, to celebrate the upcoming CNY, we'll be having lots of games! :) Please get ready at least 2 pieces of drawing block papers and markers. Also, time will be given to those who have not completed their Thinking Day Competition assignment. So do hurry up and finish it :)

Do remember to bring all your materials (esp for photography grps and percussion grps, pls bring along a camera), completed assignment, etc etc and hand in to Lexin CL or me repesctively. :)

- Please update your PL through sms about your new contact no. (if any) and your new class if you have not done so.
- The following people please pass PeiQi or RuJun ST your MCs/Parents Letter/Travel Documents for Dec 2011 camp on Wednesday BEFORE activity.

1. Bella Wong --- 20 Dec

2. Fion Lee --- 19-21 Dec
3. Pricillia Sunjaya --- 19-21 Dec
4. Koh Qing --- 19 Dec
5. Wong Xiao Rong --- 19-21 Dec
6. Lim Jie Ai --- 20 Dec
7. Charlotte Tan --- 19-21 Dec
8. Chevlene Ang --- 19-21 Dec
9. Teo Wei Ling --- 19-21 Dec
10. He Yue Heng --- 19-21 Dec
11. Andrea Wong --- 19-21 Dec
12. Lynette Tan --- 19-21 Dec
13. Caroline Yap --- 19-21 Dec
14. Rachel Wong --- 19-21 Dec
15. Goh Kai Ying --- 19-21 Dec
16. Stephanie Lim --- 19-21 Dec
17. Soh Li Yuan --- 19-21 Dec
18. Siew Jay Dee --- 19-21 Dec
19. Low Jia Yu --- 19-21 Dec
20. Yee Jia Yu --- 19-21 Dec

p/s: those whose names are not here but were not present for camp, please also pass your excuse to us.
Thank you :D

~ Catherine :)