Friday 20 January 2012

CIP for Chingay

Firstly, i would like to thank all of you for putting in your best effort for the thinking day competition. Really touched to see all of you staying back almost everyday this week to complete your competition items. A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL. Hope everything turns well and we can earn some award :DD

Back to main point, like what i have mention on the previous activity, there is CIP work available for the sec 3s and even the sec 2s. So those sec 3s that would like to clear your CIP hours, hurry up and sign up!

Details are as follow:
Date: 4 Feb, saturday
Time: 2pm to 12 MIDNIGHT!!! (or may end even later than 12am)
Transport will only be provided to the nearest MRT.
I would like all of you to get permission from your parents first before signing up for this event as it might end after midnight. (you might even need your parents to drive you home)

If you are interested, kindly sms Mandy ex PL (you can get her contact no. from your PL if you do not have it)  the following details:

Full name
Contact no.
Email address
Date of birth
Mailing address (House Address)
Name of next of kin
Contact no. of next of kin
Relationship of next of kin
Medical Condition
Food Preferences
Shirt size

This is a good opportunity to gain CIP hours, so feel free to sign up! Make sure you get your parents consent first before signing up, i dont want to have people last min backing out.

Thank you :DD