Thursday 26 January 2012

Activity on 270112 :)

Hi Guides :D

Fall in in guides half uniform at 2.30pm sharp. Cut your fingernails, fringe pinned up, 4-fingers high socks (if not we sell you socks!). For those whose lesson end late, pls also report at 2.30pm. Time will be given to you to eat later. Those who are absent for the camp or last activity, please take the initiative to pass your MC/Parents' letter to the ST’s before you fall in.

Do bring along your PT kit, which means wear PE shorts inside. :) Strictly no FBTs, etc.

For those who have signed up for the footdrill badge, do familarise yourself with all the commands.

Sec 3s, please stay back after activity for around 20 mins. We have some stuffs for you all :) 

Drink more water and have an early night! :)

Chevlene, pls submit your heritage badge to the QM before you fall in.

Thank you :D

~ Catherine :)