Saturday 28 January 2012

Girl Guide International Camp 2012! :D

Held once every 5 years, International Camp 2012 is organized as part of the Association’s Centenary Celebrations of Girl Guiding. The camp theme “Girls Worldwide say We can Save our Planet’ will encourage and challenge each of us to think about and live out a life that is green and blue!

Dates: 4-8 June 2012 (Monday – Saturday)

Venue: Camp Christine, MOE Jalan Bahtera Campsite and Sarimbun Campsite

Guide Participants: 8 Guides per coy

Camp Fee: S$180 per girl (inclusive of activities and excursion charges)(school will be subsidising $60-$90, the rest can be paid through edusave).

Dorothy Chan Camp Assistance Fund:Guides may apply for the Dorothy Chan Camp Assistance Fund if they cannot afford to pay the full amount of the camp fee.

Activities: Kayaking, high elements, night cycling, pioneering, backwoodsman cooking, nature trails etc.

If you are interested, sms Lexin CL (Coy 1) or Catherine CL (Coy 2) repsectively :D
Deadline: by Tuesday 31 Jan

Thank you :D

~ Catherine