Wednesday 29 February 2012

5 Point (sec 2 & 3) & Enrolment test (sec 1 only)

Helloo Guides,

We're having 5-point next week ! The Sec One's Enrolment Test would also be on the same day.

Sec Ones:

1. Sec Ones, if you don't know what the enrolment is, it is basically a checkpoint that leads you one step closer to being an official Guide!
Hence, we would like you to have your Enrolment test to test you on your knowledge about Guides.To accomplish this, you need to complete 2 things.
A. There will be a written test on 9th March.
B. There will also be an oral test on the 21st March.

The topics covered would be from your Guides Handbook, pg 16-48.

2. You would also have to complete the 5-point module annually. This is a section of the HOME sector of the 5point test. Please PLAN a healthy,nutritionally balanced meal that includes foods from each of the four food groups (if possible) and that the amount must be suitable for the number of people in your patrol. Hand this in by 7th March, to either Anna ACL or Jie Er ACL(4CR, old block 2nd floor).

Sec Twos:

1. A. Please study for HOME 2.1-2.3. There will be a written test on 9th March.

B. The second part of the test will be revealed to you later. Please anticipate it :)

Sec Threes:

1. A. Please study for HOME 3.1-3.2. There will be a written test on 9th March.

Lastly, please STUDY for the tests. (Sec2s, although you have common tests, please still study for 5-point.)
Thank you:)