Tuesday 28 February 2012

Trip down to HQ & sec 3s involved in footdrill badge

Hey Sec1s,
Please be reminded that you'll need to meet in concourse at 3pm sharp if you're going to the HQ to buy full u. Remember to bring enough money, see you!

Hey drilling badges sec3s,
There's no drilling practice tmr aft sch. We'll sms you all if there's one. Do learn your commands well especially those that u alr know. Familiarise yourself with 5.2 in guides handbook on ceremonies, learn the commands and steps, you’ll need to know how to command for it, what the command means and how to perform the commands. It’s important to learn them well because any session we have to practice, short or long, is very precious! Avoid blanking out when you give commands and drill properly. We will give you all chance to practice your basic commands, ceremonies and teach you all the new commands. You can practice on your own too. Never neglect the basics of heels tgt toes apart, feets apart to shoulder width during senangdiri, 90degrees and lock your arms etc. It’s not an easy badge to get so put in your best, jia you! :D

~QMs & AQMs