Saturday 4 February 2012

Important Courses

Hello Sec 3s.
Pioneering course is available for you on 3rd March (Sat) from 8.30am to 5.00pm at the HQ.
Thus far, people who told me they wanted to sign up are as follow: Vionna Ngoh Ee Qian, Fiona Ong Jia Ling, Chua Min Hui, Shailyn Soh Ginn Yee, The Xin Lei, Choo Kay Leen, Siow Jia Wen.
Any other Sec 3s who are interested but have yet to indicate please SMS 91481500 in the format of “Hello JafQi QM, I am _(name)_ and I would like to join the pioneering course. Thank you.”
[Deadline for SMS registration is 6 February, Monday.]
Please note that there are only 20 places available and each person will have to pay a fee of $20. This fee can be paid by edusave. For more information on pioneering course, please consult Lynn as she had already went for the course.

Hello Sec 3s who have been selected for footdrill badge.
I have forwarded the file of commands all of you have to memorize in BOTH English and Malay to Kezia. Please get your copy from her. Kezia please forward it to them instead of printing for all of them. It’s not your responsibility to print for them. Everyone is responsible for your own copy IF you want to print it out.

Hello Sec 2s and 3s.
As I have said during activity, there is a gadget making course available for you. Those who participate are most likely also the ones representing CCHMS Guides for camp challenges and East Division Day. The course is tentatively on 31st March from 8.30am to 12.00noon. A fee of $10 has to be paid and this fee can be paid through edusave. Please note that there are only 20 places available.
Thus far, people who told me they wanted to sign up are as follow:
Yap Ai Hui, Gwen Dolyn
Yip Lynn
Tan Si Jia
Ng Kai Ying
Fion Lee Ching Yi
Caroline Zhang Rong
Siow Jia Wen
Soh Tian Hui
Any other Sec 2s or 3s who are interested but have yet to indicate please SMS 91481500 in the format of “Hello JafQi QM, I am _(name)_ and I would like to join the gadget course. Thank you.”
[Deadline for SMS registration is 6 February, Monday.]

Hello Sec 2s and 3s.
There is a Civil Defence course that is COMPULSORY for all guiders. Currently, only 4 Sec 3s have already completed the badge and therefore they do not need to pay attention to this message. ALL Sec 3s will have to complete the badge this year while Sec 2s can choose to do it this year or the next. If Sec 2s choose to do it this year, they do not need to do it again next year.
The venue of the course is at HQ. Dates available are 10 March, 17 March and 28 March. 10 March can hold up to 49 people while 17 March and 28 March can hold up to 60 people. The course would most probably be from 9am to 1pm.
The course will be conducted at HQ and each person will have to pay a fee of $5. Most of you have indicated that you want to attend on 25 February. However, due to delay of application, that date is no longer available. Guides who have indicated that they want to attend the course on 25 February (name not in list) is to  SMS 91481500 in the format of “Hello JafQi QM, I am _(name)_ from _(class)_and I would like to join the Civil Defence course on _(date)_. My NRIC is _(NRIC)_. Thank you.”
[Deadline for SMS registration is 6 February, Monday.]
Siow Jia Wen

10 March
Caroline Zhang Rong

10 March
Yap Ai Hui, Gwen Dolyn
10 March
Ng Hwee Bee, May

10 March
Soh Tian Hui

10 March
Kezia Neo Hui Ting

10 March
Katty Teo Kai Heng

10 March
Chua Ying

10 March
Chua Hui

10 March

To Sec 2s and 3s.
Regarding the Energy Efficient Programme, please check against your name and ensure that you are in the correct dates. The course takes place from 9am to 11am on both days. You must ensure that you are able to make it for BOTH days.
Quan Fang, Angelica Julianne, Goh Kai Ying, Lim Jia Hui à four of you do not have your names on the list. Please sms me to indicate your preferred date. Please do take note of the number of spaces available for 20 people per session is the maximum the session can hold.
Xiao Rong, Amy, Xue Min, Yue Heng, Rachel, Andrea, Wei Ling à the seven of you do not need to fill in your names in the following box.
12 March and 15 March (MON/THU)
13 March and 16 March (TUE/FRI)
28 May and 4 June (MON/MON)
Tan Xin Hui
Yip Lynn
Lim Yi Lim, Desiree
Wong Si Min, Joei
Ng Kai Ying
Vionna Ngoh Ee Qian
Cherie Kwek Le Jie
Tan Jaymie
Siow Jia Wen
Priscillia Sunjaya
Kezia Neo Hui Ting
Ong Simin
Zhang Jing Yu
Choo Kay Leen
Tan Si Jia
See Yu Qing
Fion Lee Ching Yi
Koh Xin Le, Joey
Huang Lu Jing
Caroline Zhang Rong
Chevlene Ang Hui Min
Koh Jia Xuan
Han Ci Hui
Leow Si Yun
Koh Si Yun
Chua Hui
Katty Teo Kai Heng
Tan Ying Ying
Chua Ying
Ng Hwee Bee, May
Jazel Koh Chin
Yap Ai Hui, Gwen Dolyn
Pertina Seah Hui Xian
Cheng Wei Ting
Koh Qing
Soh Tian Hui
Tan Kai Ying Lynette
Lim Jie Ai
The Xin Lei
Bella Wong
Chua Min Hui
Tan Xiao Hui, Christie
Nyang Bing Pei
Fiona Ong Jia Ling
Tan Cai Leng
Lim Cheng Sing
Shailyn Soh Ginn Yee
Yap Hsin Chen
Xu Ya Qi

Lim Wei Ran
Charlotte Tan Hui Ming

Lim Jia Ying, Jasmine

