Saturday 4 February 2012

WTD Green Pledge Coy 2 :D

Hi Guides! If you are in Coy 2, please take note of this! :D

COY 2 has been selected and approved to be a green pledge ambassador on WTD facebook page that will be officially launched on 18 Feb.

What is a green pledge?
A green pledge is a resolution to save the planet in a way that you can manage (eg reduce use of plastic bags by bringing recyclable bag to the supermarket, switching of lights after use, etc)
A WTD 2012 Facebook page will be set up. EVERYONE in COY 2 must share a picture/wall post on facebook to share their green pledges before 16 Feb 2012.

What you will need to do for now:
 - Brainstorm for ideas on what you want to post on the page.
 - It can be a wall post or a picture on your resolution to save the planet in ways that can be managed.
 - If you are posting a photo, you need to tell us why you choose the photo and show it to us. The photo must be appropriate and meet the guidelines below.
- If you are writing a wall post, you need to us what your idea is about.
- Please tell Anna ACL your brainstorm ideas by 10 Feb.
Pictures can be shared via:
- Instagram (iphone/ipads)
- Photo editor (blackberry)
- Photo editing software/apps (android phones)
- Adobe photoshop (computers –Mac/PC)
- Picture editing tools on Microsoft paint/powerpoint/word
Guidelines for pictures, comments, wall post on facebook page
1. Should not contain any obscene, vulgar and distasteful images or words
2. Should not insinuate or contain anything related to religion, ethnicity/race, politics, gender or any form of discrimination, mockery or bullying towards another person(s)
3. Should not contain any image that can identify another person (as some people are not agreeable to their photos being posted on the world wide web/facebook)

We will update you again when you will need to post the photo/wall post by. :) So right now, just brainstorm for ideas! :))

Thank you :D

~ Catherine :)