Wednesday 8 February 2012

Activity on 10/02/12 and Valentine's

YO Guides!

For activity on fri, fall in in guides half uniform at 2.30pm SHARP. (Sec 2 and 3, guide the sec 1 to fall in) Cut your fingernails, fringe pinned up (only black hair accessories allowed), 4-fingers high socks (if not we sell you socks!) esp. SEC 1S. For those whose lesson end late, pls also report at 2.30pm. Time will be given to you to eat later. Those who are absent for last activity, please take the initiative to pass your MC/Parents' letter to the ST’s before you fall in.
Those who haven submit their thinking day form. pls also submit your form to the ST before falling in.

For sec 2s and 3s, please bring along your Guides FULL Uniform with beret, hanger, scarf (ironed), world badge and POLISHED enrolment badge for CCA phototaking. ALL badges are to be sewn onto the full uniform for Sec 2s and 3s. Those who have missing items for their full uniform and attire will be given double punishments.
For sec 1s, please do wear WHITE PE tshirt (tucked in) with our school skirt for the photoshoot, those who did not wear white PE shirt will be barred from taking the photo.

Guides, make sure you look good in our cca photoshoot! :D

IMPORTANT: Sec 2 guides, pls help to ensure that your class chairman pass your class order list for valentine's latest to Pertina @ 3BN by thurs, tmr and the money by fri during recess. (kindly knock on the door and ask the teacher politely to look for Pertina since you all have different recess timing)

Sec 3 guides, do take the initiative to pass the order form and HELP TO COLLECT/ CHASE AFTER your class ppl who made preorder for the money by fri. Since this is a work assigned to you all, i expect all of you to help the IC/AIC/Treasurer out and split the work evenly. Especially during the wrapping of roses and pumping of helium balloons.

Note to all: if your classmate refused to pay, tell them that their preorder will not be entertain and thus they have to buy on the spot on tues. (there will also not be special wrapping service eg, wrapping into bouquet without preordering) and if they choose to buy on spot, there might be a shortage of roses and balloons.

Sec 1s: Guides Activity would end at 6pm from this activity onwards.

Sec 1s, 2s and 3s: I have CIP work for you all held on 24 March and 1 April. It is a dualthon event and 24 March is to distribute the race kit and 1 April  is the actual race event. PLEASE ASK YOUR PARENTS FOR CONSENT since this is not a school based CIP. Interested party pls find Ashley PS on fri after activity.

There will be thinking day rehearsal on 15, 17 and 21 Feb for all to attend. Details will be given again.

Thank you :)