Saturday 11 February 2012

Valentine's! ♥ Wrapping of roses on 13/02/12

Hi Sec 3s! (this only concern the sec 3)

Valentine's is round the corner and i believe all of you should be prepared for the sale of roses/balloons/donuts by now.

I dont know if Pertina inform you all that the wrapping of roses is on monday itself, after assembly. but yeah, i expect ALL OF YOU to stay back and help out. I understand that most of you got the OCBC talk at 7pm, it might be a little too rush for all of you, but DOOOOOOOO finish the wrapping of roses by mon latest by 6pm! Ms Juni has kindly booked a room for us to keep the roses in school :D so all of you dont have to lug it back. She has also booked discussion room 3,4 and 5 at zhulin building from 2.30 to 6pm so that you all can wrap the roses. anything not wrapped by 6pm, i expect some of you to bring it home to continue wrapping. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE assign one person who do not have to attend the OCBC talk to bring back all the roses. or simply, if possible, ask one of your parent to drive the unwrapped flower home. I NEED TO EMPHASIZE THAT THE ROSES MUST BE KEEP IN AIRCON ROOM AT ALL TIME! EXCEPT ONLY WHEN DURING THE TRAVELLING TIME where you bring the flower back and forth. i have no wish to sell wither flower on valentine's! so always ensure that the unwrapped roses that you all are bringing back are kept in good condition!

Pls handle the money VERY CAREFULLY especially on the sale day itself, always make sure that the treasurer is in charge of the money and someone has to take care of the money tin AT ALL TIME!

Note: Try to finish selling all the donuts/balloons/roses during lower sec recess, but keep about 1/4 of the roses/balloons/donuts for the upper sec recess lest the upper sec dont even have a chance to buy our stuff. ALWAYS HANDLE PREORDER VERY CAREFULLY, MAKE SURE THEY SIGN ON THEIR NAMELIST WHEN THEY COLLECT THEIR ROSES. be careful not to mix orders up or sell preorder to the rest. you can only sell their preorders after sch when the roses are not collected. i want some of you to do a price board, to indicate the prices of our donuts/balloons/roses so to avoid confusion. it doesnt have to be really pretty, just make sure that ppl can see the prices.

Like what i told Pertina, appoint some of you to be in charge of delivery and some to be at the stall. (tell me how many excuse slips you all need, try not to have more than 6 ppl, these 6 ppl pls dont be from the same classes, i need IC/AIC/Treasurer to be excused from lesson) There will be 2 slots for those at the stall, one is lower sec recess and the other is upper sec recess. And if you all cant finish selling the roses/balloons/donuts by both recesses, you all are supposed to stay back to FINISH the leftover after school to sell to the other school mate. You all can try your luck with your classmate, go and beg them if need to, or simply aim those couple in your class and make them buy! :D if not, some of you can also help to clear the leftover by buying them yourself! Last resort is to beg the teachers to buy! you know those married one, just ask them buy for their wife! eg, Mr Chua/Mr Soon. they are generous nice teachers! :))

Note: For delivery services, Alicia PL and Anna ACL will be doing the delivery for sec 4s ONLY. while i will be doing delivery service for my class, 4EP. yep, so for the rest of the delivery, sec 3s are in charge of it.

Some Sec 4s will be staying back on mon to help/teach you all how to wrap the roses. DO BRING ALL THE MATERIALS NEEDED THAT IS STATED FOR THE WRAPPING. crepe paper, cotton bud, aluminium foil, thick tape(those is really sticky, usually in blue, yellow, red and green colour), nice wrapper for individual flowers and newspaper(easy to clear up) etc

That will be all!
Do do your best for the sales and raise as much guides fund as possible <3