Sunday 19 February 2012

Purchase of Guides Full uniform on 29/02/12

Hey Sec1s!
Please take note of the following details if you're meeting us to buy guides full uniform on 29 Feb(Wed) or buying on your own.
Time: 3pm
Venue: Concourse (where you all fall in)
Amt. of money to bring: Approximately $70
What you will be buying:
-enrollment badge
-world badge
-full uniform shirt
-full uniform skirt
-buckle & belt & whistle
-guides hand book
We will lead you all to the girl guides headquarters, which is near the Bishan swimming complex and Bishan stadium. We will get there by taking train to Bishan then walk to the headquarters, the whole journey will take about 40min. Please walk at a reasonable speed when we walk to Dakota mrt and from Bishan mrt to the headquarters. If not, you will delay the whole group and we might end late. The estimated dismissal time is 5pm. You will be released from Bishan interchange. Remember to find out your way of transport back home from Bishan int. Don't be late when we meet at concourse. If you have changed your mind to go by yourself, please sms either Vivian AQM at 91908919 or Wan Ting AQM at 90762703 by 28 Feb. For sec1s visiting the HQ by yourself, please remember to buy all the items listed! The enrollment badge must be bought and passed to QMs/AQMs during the next guides activity.
Thank you!

~QMs & AQMs