Monday 20 February 2012

Thinking Day Celebrations on 18 February 2012!

The annual thinking day celebrations was on 18/02/12. Unlike the past years, this year, the celebrations was held in the heart of Singapore, whereby guides from all parts of Singapore gathered at SCAPE for the celebrations. The celebration started with a sing-along session as we waited for the arrival of the Guest-Of-Honour, Mrs Mary Tan, Patron of GGS. Mrs Mary Tan entered as we sang the welcome song for her. Unfortunately, it started raining. We can see that everyone took out their umbrellas of different colours, which seemed to form a picture. Luckily, the rain stopped and Mrs Joy Balakrishnan, President of GGS, gave her speech. The theme for this year’s thinking day is “Together We Can Save Our Planet”. As Mrs Joy Balakrishnan took her seat after her speech, prizes were given out to the awardees of the competitions and there were performers by the winners. After which, we went to have some fun at the handicraft booth, where we could create different crafts from simple materials. After all the fun that we had, we gathered at a multi-purpose room where we had a little mass dance, and ended the celebrations with the singing of taps. Although we did not have any winning entries for the competition held before the thinking day, but COY 1 came in FIRST for the wide games held on 18/02/12! :D

~PeiQi ST :D