Monday 20 February 2012

Badge updates

Hello Sec 1s!
Details on total defence badge are already posted on Wednesday 15 Feb. Please scroll down to view details on it. Please ensure that you do BOTH parts of the badgework and submit to Vivian AQM @4RP or Wan Ting AQM @4FG by 29 February 2012. The grouping for part two of the badgework are as follow. STRICTLY NO CHANGING OF GROUPINGS.
Group 1: Wong Guan Min 1JT | Chng Wen Ting Dinise 1CR | Loh Ming Li, Esther 1JT | Chua Min Yi 1JT | Lee Yu Qing 1GR
Group 2: Cheng Meng Yui, Elissa 1EP | Ong Seow Khim 1EP | Tan Xi Wen, Adele 1EP | Leong Yong Yu 1HM | Leow Ruo Qing Rachel 1HM
Group 3: Foo Jun Wei 1BN | Hannah Wong Ann-Nie 1FG | Esther Seow Wen Hui 1JT | Tan Xing Lin 1Ly | Wang Jia Yi 1FG
Group 4: Lee Kah Yin 1JT | Ng Shi Qi, Carrie 1BN | Tan Tse Qi, Rachel 1DL | Lee Hui Ting 1FG | Ng Shu Qing Eunice 1IT | Ng Wi En 1MD
Group 5: Adelle Wee Xing Min 1MD | Goh Lin Hui, Angela 1MD | Koh Qi Yi 1MD | Sheena Ng 1MD | Wong Zing Rong 1MD
Thank You.
To Sec 2s and 3s: Those who want to go by YOURSELF for CIVIL DEFENCE badge on 17 MARCH please SMS JafQi QM from Tuesday, 21 Feb, 5pm to 11pm. Those who have SMSed previously please do SMS again due to miscommunication earlier on. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Those who wish to take the transport from school do not need to SMS JafQi QM. Any SMSes sent before 5pm or after 11pm on Tuesday WILL NOT be entertained. Thank You.

Any guides with missing items on your full u please find JafQi QM at 4MD to collect your missing badges BEFORE Wednesday. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CLAIM NEW BADGES IF YOU LOST THE BADGE ON YOUR OWN ACCORD. DO NOTE THAT PUNISHMENT WILL BE GIVEN FOR MISSING ITEMS ON THE FULL U!

All of you should have recevied the new theme patch (it's green and white in colour) from your various Sec3s in each patrol. Any guide (Sec 2-4) who have not received the new theme patch is to look for your Sec 3s. *ALL THEME PATCH MUST BE REPLACED BY WEDNESDAY! Please remove the blue theme patch and replace it with the new one.



Thank You.