Sunday 29 July 2012


Hey Guides ,

This notice is for ALL GUIDES. :)

East division day will be held on 15th September 2012, Saturday at Bedok View Secondary School! :)
It will be from 8.30am-1pm.

***For those who are unable to make it on this day, please pass your parents letter to me at 3BN anytime from Monday to Wednesday. 

As usual, for this year's East Division Day, there will be several competitions for schools to participate in.
It is compulsory for every guide to participate in at least one competition.

a. Dance‐“United we groove”(SMS key: Dance)
 Duration of Dance: A maximum of 5 minutes.
 Theme for the Dance: “United We Groove!”
 No props are allowed.

b. Fashion show‐”Power fashion”(SMS key: Fashion)
 Costume must be created out of recycled materials, according to the "Girls
Empowered!" theme.
 Costume must include a costume logo.
 Participant must bring your own materials.
 Participant to prepare a short write‐up about 50‐100 words on choice of costume design
and chosen materials.

c. Cheerleading‐“Freedom”(SMS Key: Cheer)
 Duration of Cheer: A maximum of 3 minutes.
 Theme for the Cheer: “Freedom”.
 Usage of Music devices (radio, iphone etc.) are not allowed in the competition.
 Guides are not allowed to engage in any dangerous acts or stunts.
 All Coys must compose the Cheer before the competition and submit the Cheer
before their turn to perform.
 Each team is allowed to use up to maximum two types of props for the competition.

d. Singing/Instrumental‐“Musical girls”(SMS key: Singing)

 Each performance should last between 3 to 5 mins.
 Students should only be singing in English.
 For instrumental, it would be best if students were to sing alongside the musical

2. Healthy Snack Making Competition – “Food Power”(SMS Key: Snack)

 Dish should be related to theme of ‘Empowering Girls’.
o Dish should seek to educate others on making smart food choices.
o It should compromise of power food choices that will help give girls energy,
health, alertness and more in order for them to achieve their best in their daily
 Maximum budget for dish is $10.
 Preparation for the snack should be simple and creative.
 Preparation for the snack must be completed within 1 hr 30 mins and not before the
start of the competition. All materials should be prepared from the scratch as best as
 Hygiene is important! Hand gloves and aprons are compulsory in preparation for dish.
 Gloves and apron will not be provided.

3. Recycled Toy Competition‐“Power Dolly”(SMS key: Recycled)
 Stuffed toy created should be related to the theme “Empowering Girls”.
 Participants will have to bring their own materials.
 A brief write‐up (around 50 words) of stuffed toy created together with a break‐down of budget
(include receipt) is required.
 Budget for making of Stuffed Toy is $10.
 Participants are strongly encouraged to make use of recycled materials.
 The stuffed toy must be created on the day of the competition. No pre‐prepared materials/parts
or markings are allowed. A routine inspection will be carried out before the start of the
 Final product will be judged on creativity and originality of design, overall aesthetic appeal,
relevance to theme, variety of recycled materials used and write –up.

4. Mini Gadgets Competition ‐ “Mini Mini” (SMS key: Gadget)

 Each team is to create a miniature gadget that is in line with the theme “Girls
 Each team is required to bring their own materials such as disposable chopsticks, satay
sticks, string and scissors etc.
 Adhesive materials (eg. glue and adhesive tape) are strictly not allowed to be used.
 The gadget should be created on the day of the competition. No pre‐prepared materials /
parts are allowed. Sticks should not be cut or tied in advance before the competition.
 All materials are to be laid out for inspection prior to the start of the competition.
 Failure to comply with the guidelines will result in disqualification.

5. Signage‐“Recruitment Advertisement ” (SMS key: Advertisement)
 Maximum number of Guides per team: 3
 Participants will create an advertisement based on the following criteria:
o Objective of advertisement is to attract girls to join Girl Guides as a
o Reflects the theme “Empowering Girls”
o Advertisement should be mounted on a board (e.g. Styrofoam board, plastic
corrugated board, cardboard etc.)
o Advertisement should NOT exceed 1.0m by 0.8m.
 Participants must create their advertisement on the day itself so there should NOT be
any markings of design on the board or other pre‐prepared designs before the
competition starts. (The organizers will go round to check before the start of the
 Please bring your own materials such as the mounting board, paper, colour pencils,
crayon or any other colouring materials.

Fun Fair ‐ Activity/Product/ Game Booths (SMS Key: Fun Fair)
Guides must  set up an activity/product/game booth. The booth should be in line with the
theme, “Girls Empowered”.

There is a "SMS KEY : XXX" beside the name of the competition. 
Thus, please SMS your TOP 2 COMPETITION CHOICES to your PLs by Tuesday 6PM.
 (For example, if you want to participate in the fun fair and gadget making competition, please sms your PLs politely and tell them that the two competitions that you would want to participate in are Fun Fair and Gadget
. )
Please note that, due to limited spaces for each competition, you may not get your top 2 choices and may be posted to other competitions.
Ensure that you adhere to the deadline and for those who are unable to make it, please pass the parents letter to me by Wednesday.

Thank you!
-Fiona CL :)