Sunday 29 July 2012

Reflections for Coy 1 Marionette Making :]

At the start of the initiative, guides were grouped into their patrols. They were encouraged to be as creative as possible! After all, it was the time for them to brainstorm and make full use of their imagination! Be it a penguin, rabbit, turtle, duck, princess, bear, princess, etc….  The possibilities are endless!

Of course, to create a marionette requires one to go through a series of steps. Our guides started the ball rolling by modeling the body parts of their puppet! This was done by packing newspapers into the shape of the part and wrapping it with masking tape!

Then, guides had to do the wiring of the body parts and create loops at the end of the parts so as to allow the puppet to have movable joints! This was the tough part! Many guides experienced difficulty trying to poke the wires through the parts! We tried to examine what was wrong, and then we identified the problem. The newspapers stuffing should not be too compact, but should be as shredded as possible.

Also, during this step, many guides worked with pliers and wire cutters. Hopefully, they have acquired the skill of working with wires!

Unfortunately, we were not able to proceed on to further steps due to time constraint… D:
The next steps are actually to paint the puppet, make the X-shaped controller and string the puppet! To make the puppet look livelier, guides can choose to add accessories to it too!

Marionette making is actually a craft which requires tedious work. Thus, it is a good thing to see that our guides had shown much patience in the process! Hopefully, we will learn to manage our time even better while making a successful marionette!

The examples of what could be done were drawn on the whiteboard.

Guides in the midst of modeling their puppets’ body parts.

Layers of newspapers had to be shredded!

Guides figuring out how to piece together the parts.

Using pliers to cut the wires and shape the loops!

Some guides managed to do the wiring of the parts!

One successful puppet was done! A touch of colours would make it perfect!

-Xin Lei PL