Monday 30 July 2012

Reflections for Activity on 6/7/12

On 6 July 2012, we had our 5 point test. When the sec2s reached the classroom, everybody wanted to sit with their good friends so that they could ‘discuss’ answers but when the seniors came, they separated most of them. Before the activity, we were told to study hard for the test. Thus, on the actual day of the test, most of the questions were quite easy to do.  We had a lot of fun during the 5 point test. After the 5 point test, we did physical training (PT), the PT was really fun as it was not the normal PT. We were told to chase the seniors. It was really fun as everybody rushed towards the senior and tried to catch her. Overall, the day was very fun I enjoyed it.

-Quan Fang (Sec 2)