Tuesday 31 July 2012

Reflections for 27/7 Activity

Guides activity started with the normal procedures, falling in followed by greeting the seniors. After greeting the seniors, our PL called the sec 2s out to do a special way of uniform check. The command was really fun and it is different from the usual way like the seniors coming up to us and asking us to show them our nails and stuff.
After the uniform check, we fall back in with the sec 1s and it's time for gadget making. I really liked gadget making as it a bonding time for my patrol members and I and of course, my PL and PS. This time round, the gadget making session is slightly different from the other time. We joined patrol with patrols from the other coy, coy 1. We joined the Hibiscus patrol and we are supposed to make a temporary kitchen sink. Hibiscus patrol brought a really huge bucket which is like 40cm tall and our bucket was only 20cm. It was a huge difference so we decided to make a bigger sink, using the bigger bucket. During this time, I was chatting with my patrol about my usual joke while trying to tie a square lash. I just finished my square lash then Fiona CL called me out and gather at the lake with some other sec 2s. When we got there, Lynn QM asked us to sharpen our axes and prepare to do axemaship. As the people being called are all my friends from 2DL who went for the Pioneer course, we had a lot of fun during this time.After around 20 minutes of cutting the wood, Yu Qing didn't break any wood and was like shaving the wood's bark. We made a deal that I start a little hole for her then she continue driving it deeper so she could cut the wood.

We managed to complete our mission and for our hardwork, Lynn QM said we could stroll back and relax then fall in. When we fall in, Gwendolyn PL said we will be doing “Colours of Chung Cheng” which is a type of PT. I really liked PT as it was different from the other times when we climb up and down the staircase. We must follow what the PTI asked us to do and tap on the colour of an object.
This week's activity was fun and exciting as I tried new things with friends. I really enjoyed it and I'm sure my friends enjoyed it too. However, Guides isn't all about games and fun. Through these activities, we are supposed to learn new skills like learning how to cut the wood, independence, responsibility and team work. One for All, All for one, that's how we bring guides to greater heights.

Tying of square lash !

Experimenting with the gadget poles 

Gadget completed :)

Clearing up the gadget poles and the twines

Completed work! :))))

-Jing Yu (Sec 2)