Wednesday 1 August 2012

03/08/2012 ACTTIVITY :)


For this week activity, we will be doing flag raising! :) Please fall in at 2.30pm sharp in your FULL guides uniform with polished badges, shorts underneath, ironed scarf , 4 FINGERS HIGH SOCKS ( NO ANKLE SOCKS!), etc. Please bring guides grey tee with hanger too! :)

For this week, sec ones will be doing your health dynamite badge, and going to HPB after the flag raising. :) so put on your best behavior kay~ :)

For the secs two, we will be doing outdoor cooking of pineapple turn upside down cake. Two patrols will form a group. :) For the groupings and what to bring in each group, please scroll down, and take a look at Fiona CL's post . :)

Rest well, and see you on friday! :DD

Thank you! :)
~ JiaWen CL :)