Sunday 5 August 2012

Reflections for 3/8 (Pineapple Turnover Cake)

On 3rd August 2012(Friday), the sec 1s went out of school for their dynamite badge. The rest of us stayed in school and did our drillings. Later at around 4.30pm, we started making our pineapple turnover cake. We(Ying Ying, Christie, Jasmine, Bing Pei and I) were hoping that it would be a success as we practiced a few times just for this day with the help of the seniors and ex seniors. Firstly, we asked the leaders of each group to go to Christie and Bing Pei to learn how to prepare the caramel and batter, and for the rest of the group members to follow Jasmine, Ying Ying and I to dig a hole in the field and start the fire. To start, we showed them how to dig the hole, making the perimeter of the square-shaped hole before digging. After that, we showed them how to start the fire with mao mao and twigs. Jasmine curled up the mao mao and placed it in the hole, after which Ying Ying then followed to place the twigs leaning against each other to surround the mao mao. With that settled, we started the fire with a few matchsticks. With much effort and several tries, the fire was lit. We instructed the members of each group to add the firewood in after the twigs were burnt and when the fire was strong. While they were busy trying to start the fire, I asked 2 people from each group to follow me to collect the firewood. When the fire was strong enough, we told them the next step which was to cook the caramel over the fire. We took around 45 minutes for the firewood to burn completely, so there will be enough heat for the batter to cook. Later, we put out the fire and took out some ember. We then proceeded to place our batter which was ready and wrapped in aluminium foil into the hole filled with embers created by the burnt firewood. We then placed the embers that we took out over the tray, on top of the covered batter, so that the top of the cake can also be cooked. After 20 minutes, we took out our cake and it was not completely cooked, which we then placed it back in for another 5 to 10 minutes. Finally, we had our ready-to-eat cake! Excited, everyone dug in, feeding one another with a spoon or fork. We all enjoyed the product of our hard work.

-Joei (Sec2)