Sunday 5 August 2012

Reflections for 3/8/12 Activity :)

Guides activity started with the usual - greeting and uniform check.  
Due to the rain, flag raising was cancelled. As a result, we were told to change out of our uniform. At first, Fiona CL gave us 5 minutes to change out. However, we exceeded the time limit and were told to change back into full-uniform, now within a shorter time limit. The second time, someone did not change out, and we were told to change back. Finally, after changing in half-uniform for the second time, we stopped.  
While the Sec 1s left for their health dynamite badge, the Sec 2s stayed behind in school. The seniors taught us how to do the Horseshoe formation and we also learnt about the Colour party. With help from the seniors, we finally understood and were able form up. 
After that, we did a little drilling, and then we did the pineapple turnover cake!  
While the leaders were making the batter, the rest of us stayed on the field. Initially, my group was allocated to a spot near the basketball court. However, after numerous failed attempts at turfing the ground, we moved to a spot near the field. Having moved 4 times, we were rather frustrated that there was a rock everywhere we turfed. At last, we succeeded in making a hole wide and deep enough.  
Next, was starting the fire. The firelighting was easy to do, as all of us had tried lighting fires many times in the past. After lighting the fire, we heated the caramel over it. The fire was larger than we expected it to be. A lot larger. I was actually kind of intimidated when I saw how big the fire was.  
After heating the caramel, we waited for the fire to die down before heating the batter. The batter was to be heated over the embers. It could not be placed over a fire as it would melt the aluminium tray. While waiting for the fire to die down, the fire was instead put out prematurely at least thrice. We had a good laugh, watching Cherie fervently working to revive the fire.   
After a long, long wait the fire finally died down by itself. We placed the tray on the embers, and waited for the cake to be cooked. After an extremely long wait, we finally brought the cake away from the embers! We quickly cleared up the area and brought the cake to the concourse.  
The cake was good. At least, it was good for a first attempt. It was a little burnt at the sides, but it tasted alright! :) 
Overall, I enjoyed activity on that day. Hurray for the cake! ^^

Teaching of new drills 

Digging a hole 

lighting the fire! :)

Digging holes :)

Breaking firewood

Cooking caramel

-Jazel (sec 2)