Sunday 21 October 2012

[Updated] Drilling Badge Training for Sec2s

Hi Sec2s!

All of you would be required to undergo training in preparation for the drilling badge. Although not all of you will eventually get chosen for the badge, but drilling is still an essential skill for you guys when you step up! We would be having about 3 training dates during the holidays so please try to attend all of them!:) We would be teaching you new drills, set ceromonies and how to command so it's best to turn up.

Details for training dates are as follows:
Date: 27 October , Saturday ; 3 November, Saturday ; 27 December, Tuesday
Time: 9am-12pm
Venue: Concourse
Attire: Green Camp Tee and school shorts

I'm aware that some of you might be going overseas so please tell Simin AQM which dates you won't be able to attend. See you this Saturday~!

~ Lynn QM and Simin AQM