Saturday 27 October 2012

Sec 1 5-Point Retest

Hey Guides! The following guides, please meet at concourse at 1pm on 29/10/12 for your 5-point retest. 

Outdoor 1.1-1.4

1) Dinise Chng

2) Lee Hui Ting
3) Hannah
4) Min Yi
5) Rachel Tan
6) Adele Tan

Community 1.1-1.5

1) Lee Hui Ting

2) Eunice Ng

Home 1.1-1.3

1) Lee Hui Ting
2) Adelle Tan

Personal and social development 1.1-1.5

1) Adele Tan
2) Lee Hui Ting
3) Jia Yi

Please study for your respective tests. I do not wish to see any more failures as this is already the third time we are having this retest. 

Kezia ACL