Thursday 30 May 2013

Reader's badge for sec 1s

Hi guides! :)

As I've mentioned during the last activity, all sec 1s will have to do your reader's badge over the June holidays.

Readers badge criteria:

1.1 Read a book in any language, written by one of the Eastern authors;
1.2 Read a story book written by one of the Western authors.
1.3 Read at least 2 of the following books related to Scouting/Guiding
- The Wolf that Never Sleeps
- Window on My Heart
- Scouting for Boys
(A book summary of about 50-100 words and a paragraph of reflection relating to guiding or self)

2. Choose and read a book appropriate to each of four of the following headings;
2.1 Science or nature;
2.2 Travel or exploration;
2.3 A foreign country;
2.4 History;
2.5 Biography;
2.6 A book of poems.
(A book summary of about 50-100 words and a paragraph of reflection relating to guiding or self)

3. Show how to use a book of reference and the index of a book.

4. Read aloud:
4.1 A passage of her own choice from a sacred book;
4.2 A passage chosen by the tester.

For the read aloud clause 4, you will be expected to read the passages out fluently. Passage for clause 4.2 will be given on a later date. The test will be conducted after the June holiday.

5 entries on 3 July. 3 more entries by 10 July.

No late submission is allowed.

Do note that as there are 8 books in which you would have to read & review, you should be consistent in your work by spreading your work out evenly throughout the holiday and manage your time well as no more extension will be givenPlease have the responsibility to submit your work on time.

Thank you :)
- Wei Ran AQM