Monday 27 May 2013

290513's Activity ! :D

Heyyyy guides!

Since Friday is PTC, we'll be having activity on Wednesday instead :) We'll also be having Guides photo taking on Wednesday.

Fall in at 245 in the concourse in Full Uniform and do have your lunch before that. Preferably, have a heavy recess and a light lunch :)


-Make sure that you remove all accessories and watches, fringe nicely pinned up and plaits tied neatly. Ensure that all your clips and rubber bands are in BLACK. Try to tie your plaits during recess or before coming to school.
 -Remember to bring your BERET, sew on all your badges, iron your scarf the right way and polish your enrollment badge till it SHINES(including the inside, not just the outer ring)
 -Ensure that your white socks are 4FINGERS HIGH
 -Bring a hanger along as well

As we there will be photo taking, make sure you look SMART AND NEAT in your guides uniform :)

Bring your PT kit Guides grey tee & pe shorts) too.

Also, please remember to bring your sit upon and write your name on it before water proofing it. It will be collected during activity to be used during camp (:

Those who have not handed in your warrior's trooper badge, please do so on Wednesday.

Please bring along $10 for the camp tee AND camp fund and pass it to your PL/PS during roll call. FAS students will only need to pay $5.

Remember to hydrate yourself the night before and make sure your water bottle is filled before falling in.

Please be on time for activity (:

Love loads, CLs :D