Sunday 19 May 2013

Reflection 17/5

During activity on 17/9, Friday, its the sec3s first activity as seniors and we were all quite nervous. The sec 2s and sec 1s were told to fall in at 2.30 and as usual, we started the greeting. After that, we started our first activity which was tent pitching! :) Each patrol was told to build a tent and we walked around helping those patrols that were not very sure of how to pitch a tent. After the tents were pitched, Jingyu briefed them slightly and pointed out to them the mistakes they made when pitching the tent and the things to take note of. After that, they were told to unpitch the tent and move on to the next activity which was the making of a sit-upon. Some of us taught the sec 1s to make the sit-upon first and some drilled the sec2s, while the remaining sec3s went to the field to pitch a canvas tent. The sit-upon was quite interesting as I have never made one before and it was quite simple. All thats needed to make a sit-upon is just a few pieces of newspaper!:) Everyone was supposed to make a sit-upon for themselves which will be used for the upcoming june camp! After making the sit-upons, everyone was briefed about the upcoming camp and given a consent form. We sang taps and was dismissed after that:)
As a whole, I think this activity was quite a good experience for us sec3s as we learnt many things from this activity! ^^

Cai Leng :) Mynah Patrol