Wednesday 12 June 2013

Readers' Badge for Sec 1s (Update!)

Hello guides.

As you all know, Sec 1s have to do your Readers' Badge over the June Holidays.
There are a total of 8 books that you have to read and do book reviews on, but as the time given might not be enough, you guys can complete 5 book reviews over the June Holidays and submit it on the 3rd July.

The other 3 book reviews can be completed after school re-open and must be submitted by the 10th July

Please note that no time extensions will be given. Please submit your work on time. Also, please state on your badge work the following :
                                         1. Clause (1 - 4 )
                                         2. Criteria (Eastern Author / Western Author, etc. IF APPLICABLE)
                                         3. Genre ( Science, Biography, etc. IF APPLICABLE )

Enjoy your holidays, thank you!
- Jing Yu QM