Monday 17 June 2013

Camp Challenge 2013

Dear CCHMS Guides,

Let's put our hands together to congratulate the team that represented us for National Camp Challenge 2013!
Ying Ying, Hsin Chen, Jazel, Jing Yu, Wei Ting, Bing Pei.
PL: Bing Pei, PS:  Jazel
These six guides formed a patrol and the team has done us proud by winning the following:

Patrol Gadget Making Competition (East Division) : 1st
Canvas Tent Pitching (East Division): 2nd
Patrol Flag Competition (East Division): 2nd 
Raft Making Competition (East Division): 2nd
Night Challenge Competition (East Division): 2nd

Best Division for Camp Challenge: EAST DIVISION
(2nd consecutive win!)

Some pictures from the Competition...
Pitching a canvas tent with just 6 guides is hard work!
Tent Pitching under the hot sun
We won 2nd for tent pitching!
We practiced and practiced to perfect our skills..

Starting to build the Fire Altar & Wood Pile
Our Fire Altar & Wood Pile in full action..

Proudly presenting our luggage rack.
"Nothing should touch the ground!"

Hanging our ground sheets out to dry.
Our Patrol Flag (Jaguar)
Won 2nd for this!
East Division Sunshine Camp
Wash Area (by AHS guides)
Interesting Gateway (by GMSS guides)
Closed Position
Gateway: Open Position

Kitchen Dresser (by BDS guides)
Grease Pit (by AHS guides)
Some other gadgets spotted at the other division's campsite:

Reusing Guides Cookie Tins for Grease Pit
Kitchen Dresser
West Division's cute gateway signage
Morning briefing for Wide Games @ Chinese Gardens
Mind games @ Chinese Garden
Enjoying Ice Cream cos we came in fastest for Wide Games

Building our raft out of 6 yakult bottles, chopsticks & strings.

Got to practice our knots & lashings during the Raft Making competition
Won 2nd for the Raft Making competition!

Our raft withstanding weight from a wooden block

Orderlies duty: Cutting watermelon
East Division Campfire Warriors
East Division Guides (Camp Challenge 2013)
East Division Guides (Fun Shot!)
Point to the East!