Tuesday 18 June 2013

Very important notice to all guides

Dear Guides,

Starting from Semester 2, please thumb in your attendance before falling in for guides and thumb out after guides session as well.

Starting from Semester 2, all absentees from CCA must submit valid MC to Ms Juni (place it in her pigeonhole) by the next day by recess time. Do note the consequence for absentism without MC will be 1-day detention (either on the next day or the 2nd day after skipping CCA) 

As usual, only MCs are allowed unless valid reason (sms ACLs your reason for being absent from CCA before CCA starts). Valid reasons include death in family, approved to leave the country, doctors appointment, emergency event.

The following guides have not submited MC for Apr/May. Please bring it on Camp Day 1.

1) TAN REGINE (1HM) missing on 22 May
2) CHEW WAN YEE NATALIE (1JT) missing on 22 May
3) YONG QI HUI JANICE (1GR) missing on 29 May
4) MARY MAGDALENE THAY (1JT) missing on 29 May
5) NG PEI QI, RACHEL (1JT) missing on 17 May
6) YEO XIU MIN (1JT) missing on 29 May
7) FOO JUN WEI (2BN) missing on 3 Apr
8) CHNG WEN TING, DINISE (2CR) missing on 3 Apr
9) HANNAH WONG (2FG) missing on 17 May
10) WANG JIA YI (2FG) missing on 17 May
11) CHUA MIN YI (2JT) missing on 3 Apr, 17 May, 22 May, 29 May
12) WONG GUAN MIN (2JT) missing on 3 Apr, 17 May, 22 May
13) TAN XING LIN (2LY) missing on 29 May
14) SHEENA NG (2MD) missing on 17 May
15) WONG ZING RONG (2MD) missing on 17 May
16) KOH SI YUN (3JT) missing on 3Apr & 29 May