Wednesday 31 July 2013

Activity on 2 August! :D

Harro Guides!! :D

Please fall in in the concourse at 2.30pm in Guides half-uniform. Take note that falling in would include greeting your seniors, too. Ensure your white socks are 4 fingers above your ankle, your hair is neatly pinned or tied up by black/dark blue hair accessories, and that your fingernails are neatly trimmed. Remember to thumb in before falling in!

If you have not collected your EDD form, please collect it from Bing Pei CL (if you're from COY 2) or Hsin Chen ACL (if you're from COY 1) tomorrow morning. Bing Pei CL will be in 3HM after 7.10 am, and Hsin Chen ACL will be at the bench outside 3DL. Submit your form to your PLs/PSs during roll call on Friday! :)

Sec 1s and Sec 2s, please study hard for your respective 5-Point test! :D Sec 2s please also read up on pages 41-46 of your handbook! :D

Rest well and stay hydrated!
