Sunday 28 July 2013

Reflection for 26 July :)

Today we fell in as usual at 2.30, but CL said we were one minute late so i guess we need to improve our punctuality. After uniform check and roll call, we split into sec ones and twos and did our five point test. Sec twos were supposed to go around the school taking photos of 3 birds and 3 flowers, but since it was about to rain then, we could not spot any birds): we then proceeded into drawing our photos taken on foolscap. My group's drawing wasn't very good but i believed we tried our best!(: next, we joined the sec ones and did PT as a patrol. Today's PT was extremely fun compared to usual PTs which were extremely tiring and boring. We had balloons of different colours and my patrol's(Hibiscus) PL and AQM gave us their balloons so we had three! Yay! After PT our seniors gave us a harsh lecture about our attitude. I think it is something worth reflecting as some of our actions make it seem as if we take our seniors' efforts for granted. I hope we can improve as a whole and strive to be better!

-Yongyu, Hibiscus patrol

Everyone showing team spirit! (although picture is a little blurry ;p)


In neat rows...