Sunday 28 July 2013

Reflection for 24 July :)

Activity on the 24th of July started off with the usual: Greetings, uniform checks and roll call. After that, we drilled for a while before going up to an empty classroom do our 5-point test which included the use of markers, colour pencils, coloured pens and other decorative items. When we finished, we came down again for a little drilling.
After which, the Sec 2s proceeded to the area outside of the Innosphere, where we learnt how to hold and pass and chop wood using an axe. We also learnt about the different parts of the axe and how one should use it without injuring themselves and others around them. It was very interesting as all of us had the opportunity to try to cut a piece of wood in half. Even though all of our fingers turned black, I think all of us enjoyed this experience and would love to try it again.
We returned to the concourse and started learning some new cheers. After that came PT. Before we were dismissed, we sang a Happy Birthday Song for Jie Ai PS, Cherie PL and Sheena because it was their birthday today. I enjoyed today’s activity and I am looking forward to the next one.(:
-Adelle Wee, Oriole Patrol

working hard to finish the test...


tent pitching!