Thursday 11 July 2013

Announcements for sec 1s

Hi Guides

1) Sec 1s who have not texted me their total defence badge groupings to do so by 9pm tonight otherwise I'll group them up randomly.
2) *ON 17 JULY* Sec 1s to bring a digital camera (No phones allowed, only digital cameras & 1 camera per group) & foolscap papers to do their write up for group work.
3) Coy 1 sec 1s to bring their passage from a sacred book (can be taken from online if you do not have a bible at home, passage to be around 150-200words, look up on google for what's a sacred book if you're unsure) as well as paper I've passed to you the other day containing the passage which will be tested tomorrow
4) Sec 1s who have not submitted their reader's badge assignment to do so before they fall in tomorrow. Anything after 2.30pm tomorrow will not be entertained.
5) Reader's badge list of submitted assignments will be attached below

Thank you! :)

Wei Ran AQM