Sunday 14 July 2013

Reflection for 10 July :D

       Activity on 10 July was an eventful one. Firstly we started off with the usual, falling in at 2.45, uniform check and roll call. After that we proceeded on with drilling. I feel that we sec 2s have really improved on our drilling although we are all still a bit lag, we could mostly respond to all the commands. After all the drilling, we then did cheering.

Cheering was indeed fun as we learned new cheers today! One of the new cheers was really cute---the penguin cheer:) Today's cheering session was extra fun as it has been a long time since we have done new cheers! After the cheering session we then proceeded on to station games where it was a time we can bond with our patrols, have fun and keep fit at the same time! On the whole, today's guides activity was a fun one:)

-Hannah, Dove Patrol
Gathering everyone...

CL in the midst of teaching!

Everyone listening attentively...

Now time for some hands on!

Hard at work...