Sunday 14 July 2013

Reflection for 12 July :D

12th July's activity started off with coy 1 greeting the seniors and having roll call, as per normal routine :) As coy 2 were having pizza making initiative at science centre, they were not present.

We had a bit of drilling, before proceeding on to splitting into respective patrols. We then had gadget making. We were tasked to make clothes line out of rods & twines provided. As it has been a very long time since we've done gadget making, we were a bit lost on what to do :P But with the help & advice from Hsin Chen ACL, we managed to complete our task :)

We later proceeded on to the photo frame making initiative (: One problem we faced was that many of us had not listened to the instructions clearly, and hence, brought stick glue instead of white glue. Thankfully, the seniors had bought UHU glue and even lent us their white glue! :D another problem was also that some of us were not patient enough to wait for the glue to dry, hence resulting in having to re-glue it together.

After that, we gathered at the green patch & played games ^^ The first game was murderer, we only played one round though as there wasn't much action for the game. We later played a game similar to virus, and then a game which required the runner to run away from the catcher. The runner has to find a partner and the person standing beside the partner found has to find a new partner.

When coy 2 came back from their pizza making, we later had announcement and tabs.

Overall, I think that 12 July's activity is very fun (-: Through gadget making, we were given the chance to guide our juniors, as well as practice square lash tying. The photo frame making initiative was also very meaningful. we had the opportunity to learn how to make something special for others other than just cards. Lastly, through the games we played, we managed to bond with both the seniors and juniors. At first it was very awkward, but after much mixing around, the situation improved and we had a lot of fun together!

I'm definitely looking forward to the next activity! :)

- Lee Yu Qing, Orchid Patrol

Preparing the toppings...

Everyone working diligently...

Waiting for the yeast to rise...

Preparing the base of the pizza!

Now its ready to be sent into the oven!


Learning how yeast goes through cell division...

Everyone anxious to see their pizza!

Ready to eat! :)