Saturday 10 August 2013

5-point ReTest

1) The following sec 3 guides have failed their 5-point test. The next make up test will be on Monday 0800 at Discussion Room 3. Please study for your test. There will be consequences for failing the retest.

Outdoor 3.2
- Koh Qing    - Jia Xuan    - Jazel Koh    - Wei Ran    - Jie Ai    - Hsin Chen    - Jasmine    - Lynette

International 3.1 & 3.2
- Jia Xuan, Lu Jing, Lynette (not present)    - Si Yun (failed)

International 3.3
-  Lu Jing, Lynette (not present)

Community 3.1
Koh Qing    - Jia Xuan    - Jasmine    - Cherie
(Do note that you must also be involved in the project 'Distribution of household items to Pipit Rd residents')

2) The following guides who failed International 3.3 would be assigned a practical assignment. You must work in the allocated groups (below) for the following assignment:

- In the form of a scrap book, feature the four World Centres with a research on their location & background.
- At least one interesting fact about each World Centre that cannot be found in the Guides handbook must be included in the description. Indicate clearly the fact that cannot be found in the Guides handbook by highlighting it.
- At least two coloured photos of each of the World Centre must be included. The pictures must not be the same as those found in the Guides Handbook.

Group 1: Jia Xuan, Jie Ai,  Bing Pei

Group 2: Wei Ran, Cherie, Jazel

Group 3: Cheng Sing, Si Yun, Cai Leng

Group 4: Jasmine, Charlotte, Jing Yu

Due Date: 21 August 2013 (submit to Hsin Chen)